Thursday, February 09, 2006

Some Days You Just Want to Give Up.... tells us GTMO "detainees" on hunger strikes were tube the process, people with a mind to kill us in our sleep (and our children, too) would rather starve to death, so it took some restraining to assist them in keeping alive. I'm sure "please, would you eat now?" wasn't working at all. Just for fun: What if we just stood outside their cells and said "Oh, well, I guess they want to die" and provided them blankets and a comfortable cot. How would that news headline read? Something like: "US STARVES GTMO DETAINEES TO DEATH!" As far as the media dn the left are concerned, is there any course of action that could have been taken in the face of fanatical opposition? Better yet, if George Felos knows whats good for him (meaning how he can once again regain the international spot light an lots of blood money), he'll make sure he gets his bar certification to practice in Federal Courts, particularly in the SCOTUS. Just think, I'm sure he can come up with an argument for the judges that makes perfect sense that we should just let these detainees out of this for, because their living conditions are just soooooo horrible and we're torturing them keeping them alive...

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